Key Takeaways
- Exciting First Birthday: The first birthday is a special milestone in your baby’s life, and as a new parent, it’s an event you eagerly anticipate. It’s a time to celebrate their growth and development.
- Unique Development: Each baby is unique, and their developmental milestones may vary. Some babies may take their first steps around their first birthday, while others might not, and that’s perfectly normal.
- First-Year Achievements: By their first birthday, most babies can say simple words like “mama,” “papa,” or “dada.” They may also start understanding simple instructions, like waving bye-bye or looking at a specific person when asked. Babies often point at objects of interest and may even groove to music in their unique way.
- No Need to Worry: If your baby hasn’t reached some of these milestones by their first birthday, there’s no need to worry. Babies develop at their own pace, and many will catch up in the following weeks or months.
- Cherish the Moments: The most important thing is to cherish the moments you have with your child and celebrate their unique journey. Your love and bonding with your baby are what truly matter.
The first birthday is always exciting to celebrate. If you’re a new parent, this event always lingers in your mind and you just probably can’t wait to invite your families and friends to have fun in the extraordinary occasion.
Day after day, you’ve seen them growing bigger and smarter. Each time they’re able to reach the next developmental stage, you and your spouse are indulged in great happiness.
what things baby do when they reach their first birthday ?
- 1. Take their first steps alone – Once you see them walking, you’ll be surprised on how far they can walk without your hand on theirs guiding. Sometimes they tiptoe, and it’s exactly a funny and incredible thing you shouldn’t miss out. Get a camera to capture the moment!
- 2. Say ‘mama’, ‘papa’, ‘dada’ – Encourage your babies to talk by always talking, too. Most babies can say the three words mentioned when they’re one year-old, even though they probably don’t understand the meaning of them yet.
- 3. Understand simple instructions – It’s exciting to see your babies understand what you want them to do. When you say ‘bye-bye’, they will abruptly move their hands and make the bye-bye gesture. Or, when you tell them to look at you or your spouse, for example ‘where’s Daddy?’, they’ll move their head and look into their daddy’s eyes. Of course you need to stimulate them over and over to make them recognize which one is which.
- 4. Point at things they’re interested in – Your babies will point at objects they’re fond of. They’ll also say ‘ooh’ while pointing, making the ‘target’ precise.
- 5. Move their hands and body rhythmically to a music played – Some babies begin to ‘dance’ between the ages of 7-10 months-old. Whenever they listen to music, especially the one that they love, you’ll grin as you see their hands and body flourishing along the tune.
- If your babies don’t do the things above, again, no need to worry. They’ll reach the stage in several weeks or months. Develop the bonds of love between the two of you.
- Enjoy the moments you all have together with the kids. Happy first birthday to your babies!